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Women on Executive Committees in Multinationals Awards

In a multinational, those in charge of governance in the respective regions are expected to play a major role in shaping business and economic activities. They are expected to come up with a framework that will underpin the principles, policies, laws and regulations they put in place to guide these economic and business activities and the compliance thereof. 

We are mindful, however, that in order to reach this status, a pipeline programme is required to make available this talent for consideration.   

This reward recognises those multinationals that have successfully put in place a programme/s to shift the statistics in terms of women on their Executive committees and have made successful appointments or have developed a pipeline programme geared towards appointments in the future.

Judging will be based on the following:

  1. Number of women in executive management;
  2. How many of these are board directors on the board of that company? 
  3. What roles do they occupy? 
  4. What programmes have been put in place to provide support for the existing women on exco?
  5. What programmes have been put in place to create a succession pipeline for women to break the glass ceiling and get onto the exco?


Nominate an Individual for a Gender Mainstreaming Awards category.


Nominate a company for a Gender Mainstreaming Awards category.


Important time changes

  • Middle East Entries in Positive Role Model and Inclusive Leader categories open until 30 September 2024.