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Judges Profile

Rosemary Okello-Orlale

Rosemary Okello-Orlale

Strathmore University Business School
Director – Africa Media Hub
Category: Mainstreaming Gender and Disability

Rosemary Okello-Orlale is a well-recognized communication, media and gender expert who finds interest in creating Africa narrative through Data storytelling. Currently she is the Director- Africa Media Hub, Strathmore University Business School whose mission is to increase expert knowledge among the business and finance journalists in the coverage of critical issues related to the global economy and business using data visualization. She has worked with key partners to make Strathmore University set a landmark precedent by becoming the only University in Africa to be hosting Data for over 5 Countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Senegal, Ghana and Sierra Leone) going back 17 years under the African Regional Data Cube (ARDC) – including food systems related data; has a long personal history in analyses/ reporting on food security and climate change issues. She is also in the Advisory Board of the Strathmore Data Analytics Centre (SADAC). Previously she was a Program Officer with the Ford Foundation Eastern African Office on Civic Engagement and Government; Creativity and Free Expression and Advancing Public Service Media Initiative. She has supported the media sphere as a platform to give voice and visibility to marginalized people and the transformation of the alternative media into a critical voice of civil society. She is also a Founder of African Woman and Child Feature Service- a Media NGO where she served as the Executive Director. And the First Secretary of the Kenya Editor’s Guild and Africa Editor’s Forum. She is a also founder member of the Kenya Media Council.


Important time changes

  • Middle East Entries in Positive Role Model and Inclusive Leader categories open until 30 September 2024.