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Judges Profile

Karen Smit

Dr Karen Smit

Accessibility Lead
Category: Mainstreaming Gender and Disability

My purpose is to influence organisations to be inclusive of persons with disabilities by recognising them as employees and consumers. With more than 26 years’ experience within the ICT industry, my advocacy for the inclusion of disabled and elderly persons has established me as a global industry expert in promoting accessible ICTs.

My lived experience of disability together with a strong business acumen enables me to influence innovative solutions that benefit both the organisation and disabled persons. My main role is to design, implement and lead the Accessibility Strategy for the Vodacom Group markets in Africa. I play a leading role within the Vodafone Group to ensure that disability inclusion and accessibility are implemented so that persons with disabilities are not left behind. During my time as Deputy-Chairperson of the Regulators Disability Forum, I contributed towards formulating the ICT Code for Persons with Disabilities.

During 2021, I obtained my PhD from the University of Cape Town in Disability Studies. My thesis topic focused on understanding how Mobile Network Operator’s (MNOs) processes promote or hinder the digital inclusion of consumers with disabilities in the Global South. I utilised insights gained to develop a user-friendly inclusion framework which ICT and other companies can adopt when developing strategies for disabled persons and consumers.

Some of the awards I received includes awards from the South African disability community, a Women’s Award from the Ministry of Women, Children and People with Disabilities as well as a Women in Red award from Vodafone for being an exceptional female role model. Besides delivering numerous talks at global and local ICT conferences, I assist global companies to implement inclusive processes and policies. I furthermore deliver inspiring and motivational talks at Women’s and disability related events. I have shared my life story on radio and television shows, in ICT and disability and mainstream magazines as well as in a book called ‘Look at me’ which features successful women with disabilities.

To give back, I found an empowerment initiative in 2014 for disabled female teenage learners (13-18 years) called WAND (Women’s Achievement Network for Disability). I together with a group of disabled businesswomen led the initiative which assisted the learners to identify with other disabled females. The workshops were held in Cape Town annually during Women’s month – 400 girls and their teachers participated in the initiative up to 2019/pre-Covid. The platform inspired learners to unlock their voices, empowering them to embark on a journey of self-acceptance and personal development. During 2016 the initiative won two Gender Mainstreaming awards for enhancing the lives of girls and women with disabilities.

To have fun and promote my wellbeing, I do mosaic work, love experiencing new places with my family and enjoy socialising with friends. My daughter is my ultimate inspiration and is a daily reminder that miracles do happen.


Important time changes

  • Middle East Entries in Positive Role Model and Inclusive Leader categories open until 30 September 2024.