Judges Profile

Nada El Gazzar
Nada El Gazzar is Business Excellence Advisor, Certified Professional Coach (Neuro-linguistic Programming) – & Trainer. She is the founder and CEO of UpskillX Advisory & Coaching, a firm that provides advisory & coaching services in 4 pillars: Corporates, Women, Youth and Purposeful Community building in UAE and Middle East
Nada has more than 15 years experience in quality & excellence. Nada has started her journey in 2013 as certified Quality & Excellence Assessor for 10 Excellence and sustainability awards in UAE . She worked with many government entities as Excellence Advisor in UAE and Egypt in diverse sectors including oil and gas, transportation, water and electricity, shipping, and education.
Nada has used her vast experience in Excellence and Coaching to work on developing and facilitating many mentorship, coaching and empowerment programs, for organizations and individuals such as mentorship programs with American Society of Quality, International Coaching Federation and healthcare sector. She is frequently called on international conferences and media as keynote speaker to share her experience and story.
Nada has received more than 12 international awards in Leadership and among them was the Global Woman in Leadership awards among 150 women from 70 countries around the world , also Golden Bridge Awards, Stevie Awards for her societal and professional initiatives and recently recognized from MENA Stevie Awards in two categories and recently been selected as Top 100 Women Power Leaders across Asia
In 2022, she launched her book “My Africa my identity” in cooperation with 17 other women of African origin. as the only Egyptian. She was invited to donate 3 copies to the Mohammed bin Rashid Library – the largest library in the United Arab Emirates